Explode KF805 Lat Pull Down with an integrated scale has the ability to replace the weight-block simulators where they cannot be installed. Compared to pulling up, this exercise on the simulator allows you to work on the muscles at a slightly different angle, to include in the work of the hip and muscles of the body center and to fully focus on the back.
Muscles: the trapezius muscle, the widest back muscle, the underarm muscle, the large round muscle, the great rhombus-shaped muscle, the great pectoralis muscle, the deltoid muscle.
Simulators with an integrated scale EXPLODE - innovation in the world of sports equipment! The uniqueness of these simulators is that it equipped with an integrated scale and can be used both outdoors and indoors. Extra-strong, vandal-resistant construction is made of 3 mm of steel thickness. Easy to use, as it has quick and easy load adjustment. Thanks to galvanizing technology, they are adapted to any weather conditions. The trendy design and wide color palette can harmoniously integrate simulators into an existing fitness gym or become a new full-fledged training area.
Explode KF805 Lat Pull Down |
UAH 54 132
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